Timo Bierbaum

Photographic reproduction of art

Colorproof reproduktion of art requires a lot of know how and expertise. Aside the even distribution of light one has to take care of reflections and shadown in 3 dimensional objects. These kind of pictures obviously are taken in a studio where we have maximum controll over lighsources and setup. Studio B² offers the equipment and environment for this kind of sophisticated photography. Thats why we get booked for high end art reproduction for Web and print. To get an idea of the work and results just download the annual art catalog of the renowned antiquarian art trader  Robert Wölfle here (possibly the document can be found in your download folder):

Woelfle Katalog 2019

Exhibithion and Opening Event (Vernissage) “Faces”

On the 9th of June 2016 Timo Bierbaum and Joachim Graf will start their first crossover exhibition “Faces” at Rindchens Weinkontor in Munich, Schlachthofviertel (Zenettistraße 11) with an opening event (Vernissage). Joachims woodcutting and xylographic prints will be set against expressive photography from Timo. The exhibition will be open till the 15th of July.

Fot the Vernissage all interested parties are welcome. Enjoy the exhibits and share a glas of wine whilst you discuss the works with the artists. Entrance is free of charge. Please confirm your attendance

More information on the Rindchens Kontor Homepage: Event “Faces”

or on the FB-Fanpage of Timo Bierbaum

More of Joachims work can be found on the artists homepage “Kunst gegen den Strich”:

Woodcutting print of Joachim Graf

Woodcutting print of Joachim Graf

Studiophotographie of Timo Bierbaum

Studiophotographie of Timo Bierbaum